Hi, I’m Claire, you will be hearing about my story of how I’ve changed in just one adventure. I live in a huge anthill in the dry windy desert with only one lake out of the whole desert with dead with dry plants, and bushes. The only thing you can see is sand and more sand with some plants and animals if you’re lucky. The one thing you can hear is silence in the empty desert but the desert is always changing. It could be windy one day and the next day it could be dry and motionless. My life was really normal for a working ant but I was always different. I was really normal I had brown eyes, brown hair, and average height. No one wanted to be my friend or talk to me, so I worked hard and was determined to be the best at work. So I worked my butt off until one day, the worst day of my life happened. The anthill was attacked by the other ants that were trying to steal the anthill also, they won.
[[Continue]]Then, they were looking for an ant to go out to find a safe place to live. But they had no luck until Claire had an idea. She was going to go on that adventure, she didn’t know what she was thinking. Something just clicked inside of her and she just knew that the adventure was for her. She was walking in circles and putting all her thoughts together, one thought came up the most. Now she was ready to tell the ants that were in charge that she was going to go on the adventure. As she walks up to them she plans out what she is going to say.
[[go up to them confident]]
[[go up to them scared]]Now that she is in front of them, she says, “I'm going to take the risk and go on the adventure, no matter what you say. I’ve spent my whole life working hard to push myself to be the best of the best and now it's my turn to shine.” It took the ants a long time of thinking, but they accepted and they even let her bring one person the go with her.
After Claire asked, she was thinking and thinking, “I’ve ruined my life now. I will never be the happy me that I always was, but then again I can start a new beginning when I go and no one will know me. This is the best choice of my life,” she thought long and hard as she packed for her adventure, now in excitement. She packs everything she needs from food to a bow and arrow.
[[next up]] As she’s walking back to her room she runs into her friend and tells her what happened. Her friend says “if you are going to be like this you will never be successful in life.” She runs to her room and cries the whole night.
[[next]] The next day she goes to work and gets made fun” I going to ……..” the other ants say in a mocking way. So after she’s done working she stays in her room after a long day and doesn’t leave not even to eat
[[continue]] The next day she goes back to her family hoping they have advice for what she should. They ask “Do you want to risk your life to be a hero or stay here wishing things would change? If you want to take the risk they do if you want to change your life for the better.” She turns to think. She another day and they still haven’t found someone to do it. But they need to find someone fast.
[[next-> pg]] She knows the perfect person to pick. Then she realizes that she knows someone else that should go with her. But she doesn't know who she should pick. Her good friend Shara or a co-worker Conner
[[Conner]]Now it is time for them to leave as they say goodbye to their family and friends, Conner and Claire pause before they step outside to start their adventure and think about their life now. They know that it will never be the same ever again. So then they walk outside as they start their new beginning.
[[next->p4]]So she had thought long and hard for a couple of days and finally made up her mind. As she is going back to make her speech she hears the mocking again. And then goes back to her room to think because she is embarrassed to talk to them again. So she collected all of her thoughts and goes to talk to them. They accepted her proposal but they had one condition. She had to pick someone to go with her
[[next->next up]]
Claire and Conner are on there a way to find the perfect place to live they are talking and they stop “Why did you pick me?” Conner asks. Claire avoids the question, she wanted to forget that just happened. They continue walking and he asks the same question, then She gives in and tell she tells him why.
[[next->23]]“ I picked you because you are the only one that I know that's worked hard and will try your best,” she says. They go on to the cold dry fine sand. Then they hear a yell in the distance so they follow the yell. At first, they didn’t see anyone or thing then they got closer to the sound and then they see it a beetle stuck under a rock. But they also see the other ant stuck in a spider web. They are thinking about what they should do.
[[help the bettle]]
[[help both]] Then they hear a yell in the distance so they follow the yell. Then they come across beetle that has gotten itself stuck under a huge rock and can’t get out. They have an idea to get water and spray beetle so he can slide himself out. So they find a cautious can get water because they can hold water they get the water and spray the water and the beetle is free.
“Thank you so much I can't explain how thankful I am, what can I do to repay you?” he says thankfully. As the beetle waits for and answer he gets all his things and sits on a rock.
The ants think about it and then they have a perfect idea .“You don't have to give us anything you just have to help us on our mission,” the ants say in a bold way. And so the beetle leaves to.
[[next->fg]]So they go on and continue walking. They have been walking for an hour so they decide to stop to take a break so they can eat and rest. By now it is the afternoon and the sun's going down so they set up a place to sleep and they sleep.
[[next->pd]] They choose to split and help both. So clair went to get some water to free the bettle. Conner went to the spider web to free the ant. So claire found a cautious and collected water so she can have the bettle wiggle out from the water.
The next day they are walking and they come across an anthill that is empty. “Perfect! This is what I wanted,” Claire says with joy. Now they have found the place they explore it. Then the unexpected was going to happen. But they were also hungry because they were so focused on finding a new home.
[[go explore the ant hill]]
[[go eat]] Conner went on more to free the ant so he went up the tree to help the ant be free. So he was pulling the ant free then he got stuck. So claire had to help them outof the spider web. Then the ant thanks them and then leaves.
[[next->fg]]The next day they are walking and they come across an anthill that is empty. “Perfect! This is what I wanted,” Claire says with joy. Now they have found the place they explore it. Then the unexpected happened there was a gang of ants that were hiding inside and attracted them. The ants ran as fast as they can out of the hill down the hill and up a tree then they get caught in a spider web and they had no way of escaping to they screamed for help.
[[next->ef]] Claire and Conner were hungry so they went to look for food. When they were walking around and saw a juicy blueberry in a bush. So they had decided to go in the bush so they were following the big berry up and up until they got trapped in a huge with on way of escaping.
[[next->ef]]“Help help help!” they screamed from the top of their lungs.
Suddenly, the beetle that they helped came and saved them by grabbing them and flying as hard as he could. So they were free and they thanked the beetle. Then the beetle gave them a seashell. They both look at each other than look at the beetle like he was crazy.
[[next->ed]] “What is this for?” they both asked confused.
“It’s for when you need help and can’t do anything, just blow into the hole and then you're enemy will run away but I must warn you don't blow too long because it will affect you,” he says in a long voice. So they thank the beetle some more and kept going and soon enough they were in trouble.
[[next->eg]] They walk for hours and hours and they still haven't found anything. As they were walking they had come across an anteater that was looking for food. So they walked away slowly and turned around and boom the anteater was right behind them.
[[next->nf]] She chose Shara because they really good friends and she want to spend this time with her friend. So once she decided she went up to her friend and says “ Will you come with on an amazing adventure.” while Claire is waiting she sits down on the floor. Then Shara says “ No.” Claire says “ Why not.” “Because I’ll be all muddy if I go and I don’t want to go,” Shara says. So now Claire tells Conner “ You are coming with me.” “Oh ok” Conner says in shock.
[[continuing]] . She knows the perfect person to pick. She knows the person she picked can work as well as she can. The ant she picked was named Conner. Like Claire, Conner was also the odd one out, that's why she picked him. Now Conner will pack the same stuff for himself.
[[continuing]] So they walked away slowly and turned around and boom the anteater was right behind them.
The ants rann for their lives before the anteater was chasing them. They were running and they got cornered by the anteater. Then Claire remembers the seashell that the battle gave them. But she forgot where she put it
[[ check pockets]]
[[ check bag]] The ants rann for their lives before the anteater was chasing them. They were running and they got cornered by the anteater. They are about to get eaten but then Claire remembers that the beetle gave them the seashell. So she pulls it out last minute and blows as hard as she can. At first, the anteater looked at them and then does the weirdest thing he stops and backs up then goes forward. It's been almost two minutes and they have been watching the anteater do that but Clair is still blowing. Then they start to the ringing and it louder and louder by the second.
[[next->gj]] As you look for the seashell in your bag you are still running for you life then…. You get corner and can’t escape. Then she relizes that it wasin her pocktes but it was too late the anteater was alreadly going to eat them . You have died
[[ try again->Untitled Passage]] Next thing they know Clair and Conner pass out as they see the anteater runs away. After a few minutes they start to wake up they stop hearing ringing. They were alive! After all the effects wore off they were walking and they found the perfect place right next to the tree that grow plants and food for them.
[[next->gf]]Then Clair and Conner came back to their ant colony and they were flying on the beetle. As she was sitting there she was thinking about her life and how it will never be the same. She had realized that she loved the thrill and excitement of an adventure. She was about to make the biggest choice of her life but she stayed to see if that’s what she really wanted.
So she takes the ant colony to their new home and then “I’ve decided to live my life to protect you and do the risky things for you so you’re not risking your life,” she says firmly.
[[TRY again->Untitled Passage]]